Rollable Ribbon Technology

High Density Fiber Optic Cable For Performance You Can Count On


想象一下这样一种技术飞跃:光缆的光纤密度增加了一倍,同时减小了光缆的尺寸. OFS可卷曲带状高密度光纤电缆今天实现了这一进步. OFS可卷曲带状电缆比标准扁平带状电缆更小,重量更轻. At the same time, 与标准电缆设计相比,这些电缆允许安装人员将关键通道的密度增加一倍. 这使得可卷曲带状光纤电缆成为室内和室外使用的理想选择, connecting data centers, or serving as the distribution for dense FTTx and mobility networks.

We create these Rollable Ribbons 将单根250µm光纤局部绑扎成可弯曲的高密度光缆. 这种设计允许高效的带状拼接和容易的单或多光纤断开.  这些完全无凝胶的电缆设计也有助于减少拼接准备所需的时间. 

Above all, doubling the density of your fiber means doubling your transmission capacity, doubling your capability, and doubling your ability to get the job done.


Rollable Ribbon Advantages

Cable Pulling

  • Familiar loose tube design.
  • No preferential bending for easier coiling, handling and slack management.
  • 与开槽芯设计的电缆不同,客户在拉动后较少担心护套损坏.
  • Increased fiber protection (over wrapping tube cable designs).
  • Cables are all-dielectric, no bonding or grounding is needed.

Cable Prep for Splicing

  • Easily identifiable color coded ribbons.
  • 与开槽芯或包绕管电缆设计相比,松管设计提供了方便的跨中访问.
  • Loose tubes protect fibers during preparation.
  • Easy breakout for individual fibers or groups of fibers.

Splicing and Testing

  • Smaller distance between fiber bond locations provides flatter, more controllable ribbons during splicing.
  • Fiber bonded by adhesive in precise locations.

Long-Term Performance

  • Ruggedized fiber protection
  • Proudly made to the highest of standards in the United States of America.

Rollable Ribbon Products

AccuRoll® Dry Core (DC) Rollable Ribbon Cable


Why the AccuRoll DC Rollable Ribbon Cable

AccuRoll干芯(DC)可卷带(RR)电缆采用可卷带技术, the newest optical fiber ribbon design from OFS. 为了形成这些带状,250 μm的纤维在断续点上部分粘合在一起. 这种设计不仅可以实现大规模融合带拼接,而且单个光纤的断开也比扁平带更容易. 这些带状可以滚动和路由类似于单个纤维,以方便在较小的关闭和拼接托盘中使用.

完全无凝胶的设计也有助于减少所需的准备时间 splicing.

RollR™ Central Core Rollable Ribbon Cable

RollR CC可卷曲带(RR)微电缆具有288或432根凝胶光纤free, central core cable cable design optimized for micro-duct installations.

Why the RollR™ Central Core Rollable Ribbon Cable?

RollR Central Core RR电缆的每个元件都旨在提供高光纤密度,同时有助于加快部署速度. 可卷曲的色带设计可帮助用户实现高效和经济高效的大规模融合拼接以及轻松的单个光纤断接. This capability helps to simplify installation and save on labor costs. In addition, RollR中心芯RR电缆更高的光纤密度可以帮助扩大现有通道的容量,使用更小的光纤, lower-cost duct systems.


AccuFlex® Rollable Ribbon Cable


Why the AccuFlex Rollable Ribbon Cable?

AccuFlex可卷曲带状电缆的设计旨在提供最高的纤维密度. The result is a compact and dense cable that requires less space. This cable allows installers to double the density of existing pathways.

The 12-fiber rollable ribbons permit efficient mass fusion splicing. Strong yet flexible, 总装级AccuFlex卷带电缆也有助于防止安装问题. This includes packing density, routing and speed of deployment. 该电缆的火焰等级符合NFPA 262安装在空气处理空间的要求. In all, AccuFlex可卷曲带状电缆为数据中心提供了一个出色的解决方案, central offices, and head ends.

AccuTube+® Rollable Ribbon Cable

Featuring 432 to 1756 optical fibers in a gel-free, loose tube cable design.

With up to 1756 fibers, AccuTube+可卷曲带状电缆是任何高带宽应用的绝佳选择. Its design enables easy, cost-effective mass fusion splicing. By simplifying installation, customers can save on the cost of labor. In addition, 这种电缆的更大的光纤密度扩大了现有路线的容量,并允许使用更小的, lower-cost duct systems.

Why AccuTube+ Rollable Ribbon Cable?

This cable allows streamlined ribbon splicing and easy single fiber breakout. Its gel-free water-blocking design also helps to reduce labor and splice costs. This makes it an ideal choice for connecting very large fiber distribution hubs. It is also fine choice for use in data centers, FTTx and access networks.


DuctSaver® Rollable Ribbon Cable

Featuring 144, 288, or 432 optical fibers in a gel-free, central core cable design. 该电缆的特点是可卷曲的带状,这是OFS最新的光纤带状设计. To form these ribbons, 单独的250 μm光纤在预定的点上部分绑扎. 该电缆的设计特点是中心管结构,具有螺旋强度元件,具有耐用的保护和优越的缠绕性能.

Why DuctSaver Rollable Ribbon Cable?

该设计可帮助用户实现高效和经济的大规模融合拼接以及易于单独的光纤断接. This capability helps to simplify installation and save on labor costs. In addition, DuctSaver RR电缆更高的光纤密度可以帮助扩大现有通道的容量,使用更小的电缆, lower-cost duct systems.

AccuRiser™️ Rollable Ribbon Cable

Specifically designed to offer high fiber density and excellent carrying capacity. 可卷曲的带状可以实现高效的大规模融合带状拼接和快速的单光纤断接. 这些电缆可以像单个纤维一样压紧和布线,用于较小的闭合和接头托盘.

Why the AccuRiser™️ Rollable Ribbon Cable?

All elements of the AccuRiser Rollable Ribbon Cable offer high fiber density. 该电缆有助于加快在新数据中心或中央办公部署中的安装. The 12-fiber rollable ribbons allow splice-in-place operations. This will help to get a facility up and running quickly. 坚固而灵活的电缆也容易安装在梯子架上和通过狭窄的弯曲.

This cable is an excellent choice for building-to-building cable connections. 它还消除了从室外过渡到室内时对中间拼接点的需要. 减少剪接的数量可以改善系统损耗并降低网络内的终止点. It is also well suited preconnectorized applications.

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